You. No matter how old are You, what language is Your native, whether You love Kaunas, whether You were in Kaunas, whether You know where Kaunas is. It is important for You to be inspired to create a good story.
Yes, of course. They will appear in “The small stories” and if they will be mysteryous enough – they will appear in the “Prohibited notes”.
Of course You can. Or any other language. We welcome them all.
Nonsense. You can write about everything. Past, present and future. If you have a good story about pop star spending the night in Maxima vegetables aisle – write it down. If you know about an underground passage that fulfills your desires – write. The beauty of your narrative can be locked not in the castle tower, but in the apartment building of Šilainiai. You can write about Kaunas in 2122, where maybe everyone will have personal flying cars, will be immortal or will live for a long time, but will still want to be loved and wish to run away from all that solitude.
As soon as it is approved by the Master or someone from the Society of the Beast that has the right to publish. Usually it doesn’t take too long.
It had terrible swear words that also violate the laws of Lithuania and the civilized world.
Also, we will not publish stupid and nonsense texts.
If you have decided that the great story of Kaunas needs a new important character, enter it and send a small description of it separately. The Beast Society will decide whether to include it in the Story.
You can also vote on a new character. See the Vote box.
Specify your real name or nickname: as we indicate, we will publish it if the nickname does not violate clause no.7 .
For everything unclear: